Gold Membership
Join our monthly membership and get access to our advanced courses, including the Lean Thinking Business Course, Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt and Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Courses.
Here are all the products that are included in your bundle.
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Welcome to the Leanscape Lean Academy Community
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Welcome to our Free Fundamentals of Lean Course - 30 Days Free Access. Learn about the benefits of Lean Thinking - what is Lean? And how the concepts and ideas, can accelerate your career.
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Begin your Lean Six Sigma Journey today with our fully certified Lean Six Sigma White Belt Course. Level Up your knowledge today!
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Join our Lean Problem-Solving Course focused on developing your Lean Thinking capabilities. The course covers the core Lean tools, methods and approaches focused on building A3 Problem Solving capability.
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Become a Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certified Professional and accelerate your professional career to new heights. Our Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt course is full of engaging webinars, hands-on activities and interactive materials
All Courses, Green Belt Courses
The pivotal Lean Six Sigma professional development course to accelerate your career and level up your leadership skills and capabilities.